Category Archives: Economy

April 1, 2009

Is Cap-and-Trade a Dead Policy Walking?

In his February 24 speech to Congress, President Obama asked members “to send me legislation that places a market-based cap…Continue reading

March 25, 2009

Treasury’s New Program Mixes Sound Economics and Wishful Thinking

The administration’s new program to wring the toxic assets out of the banking system is a huge bet, which, like…Continue reading

March 19, 2009

Anticipating Inflation Now Can Save Taxpayers $50-$70 Billion

The Federal Reserve yesterday announced $725 billion in new purchases of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities to hold up…Continue reading

March 12, 2009

Why This is No Traditional Recession

The leaders of the Republican Party (and plenty of their followers) continue on their strange path of denying the most…Continue reading

March 4, 2009

The Denial and Anger Inside GOP Economic Policy

The leaders of the Republican Party, reeling from their painful string of defeats, seem stuck in two of the classic…Continue reading

February 25, 2009

The Economic Logic in the President’s Speech to Congress

President Obama superb address Tuesday night had an underlying, unifying logic which some may have missed, but which hopefully readers…Continue reading

February 19, 2009

Where the Administration’s Plan for the Housing Crisis Could Fall…

The President today announced a plan to cut foreclosures and reboot new mortgage financings, at least when the economy shows…Continue reading

February 4, 2009

Shedding Light on the Stimulus Package

While the chorus of complaints about President Obama’s spending and tax package was dispiritingly predictable, the post-partisan surprise is that…Continue reading

January 27, 2009

President Obama Begins to Take on Climate Change

Within one week of taking office, President Obama has dispelled any doubts on whether he’s serious about tackling climate change.…Continue reading

January 21, 2009

A Serious Thought or Two on the Inauguration, from Halfway…

I'd rather be spending this week in Washington celebrating with friends and my country the politically and spiritually invigorating elevation…Continue reading