Category Archives: Jobs

January 25, 2012

The State of the Union and the Power of Technological…

President Obama made inequality a major theme of his State of the Union address last night, an unsurprising choice as…Continue reading

December 14, 2011

Obama Channels Clinton on the Economy, But Will it Work…

In Kansas last week, President Obama laid out the economic brief for his reelection. Its substance plainly recalls the program…Continue reading

November 16, 2011

The Truth about Job Creation under Obama and Bush

Everyone knows that unemployment is high today and unlikely to fall by much soon. Yet, a longer view of the official…Continue reading

September 12, 2011

Grading Obama and the GOP Hopefuls on their Plans for…

Last week’s GOP debate at the Reagan Library, followed the next night by the President’s address to Congress, threw into…Continue reading

August 29, 2011

For a Strong Economy, Keep Europe Afloat and Keep Americans…

The persistent sluggishness of the recovery here in the United States and in most of the world’s advanced economies should…Continue reading

August 10, 2011

The Best Advice for the President: Think Big and Move…

In good times, a President without clear economic policies may not suffer for it. But in shaky and uncertain times…Continue reading

January 31, 2011

The State of the Union and the Real Meaning of…

Last Tuesday night, the President exhorted Americans to raise our economic game and challenged Congress to give us the means…Continue reading

January 5, 2011

Why It Matters So Little that Obama’s Jobs Record is…

The great partisan squabble of 2011 over the economy begins this week with the new Congress. Even if some of…Continue reading

December 21, 2010

At Last, the Net Neutrality Fight Is Over

Official Washington, which usually doesn’t accomplish much at all, is having a week of extraordinary achievement.  There’s the deal on…Continue reading

December 2, 2010

The Quiet Role of Class in the Coming Budget Battle

The political struggle over how the federal budget will shape American government is now in full swing and likely to…Continue reading