Tag Archives: Globalization

February 10, 2010

The New Dominos as the Economic Crisis Enters its Latest…

The dislocations from the worldwide, economic meltdown aren’t over by a long shot. Nearly two years after Bear Stearns’ collapse,…Continue reading

February 4, 2010

Cutting Payroll Taxes to Create Jobs

Looking for ways to jumpstart job creation, the White House and Senate heavyweight Chuck Schumer have both come around to…Continue reading

September 1, 2009

The Potential Cost of Political Paralysis: The Lesson of Japan

A political earthquake hit Japan this week, one which could hold important lessons for America’s current political stalemates. After a…Continue reading

July 30, 2009

The Fault Lines in the U.S.-China Relationship

The fault lines in this week’s “strategic dialogue” between American and Chinese leaders remained largely unseen, like a low-grade infection…Continue reading

July 15, 2009

Politicians Who Ignore the Problem with Jobs May End Up…

While public debate about jobs usually focuses on the unemployment rate, what matters more are the changes in the number…Continue reading

July 9, 2009

The Lessons of LBJ and Robert McNamara for Barack Obama

Robert McNamara died this week, but his life holds lessons for Barack Obama’s presidency. Arguably the leading light of JFK’s…Continue reading

June 10, 2009

Getting Serious about Our Financial Mess

The best way to clear your head of the political chatter that passes for policy debate in Washington is to…Continue reading

March 12, 2009

Why This is No Traditional Recession

The leaders of the Republican Party (and plenty of their followers) continue on their strange path of denying the most…Continue reading

February 25, 2009

The Economic Logic in the President’s Speech to Congress

President Obama superb address Tuesday night had an underlying, unifying logic which some may have missed, but which hopefully readers…Continue reading

February 11, 2009

The Impact of the Great Recession on Trade

The new trade data out today show, unhappily, that the surest way to drive down our trade deficit is a…Continue reading